To start the event, go to the main Store tab and scroll down to the banner promising “Free Fun This Way.” You’ll read a message from “Clorthax,” instructing you to find the “the ten best games from the far future.”
Clue 1
Riddle: You’ll find riches in rhythm, and fame in six strings
But beware the tax burden axe mastery brings.
Answer/ Game: Guitar Billionaire
Clue 2
Riddle: You’ve settled a city and put down your roots
But now can you settle small legal disputes?
Answer/ Game: Custard Castle Small Claims Court
Clue 3
Riddle: Sport is the angle
The bait the allure
Success the disease
And you are the cure
Answer/ Game: Bass Ain’t Bitin’ 2022
Clue 4
Riddle: Maybe you managed to shut down your rivals
Your lucrative theme park’s still dead on arrival
Answer/ Game: Dead Seagull Zoo Magnate – Found in ‘Farming & Crafting’ tab under ‘Realistic’
Clue 5
Riddle: A know-it-all’s monstrous need to correct you
Will give you and your friends a lot to object to
Answer/ Game: Actually…Frankenstein’s Monster Edition
Clue 6
Riddle: No actions to take or choices to make
This passive adventure prefers that you wait
Answer/ Game: It’s Probably Fine
Clue 7
Riddle: Your role in this realm
Is to guide your king true
To sit on his throne
Or mayhap on two
Answer/ Game: Help The King Get To The Toilet
Clue 8
Riddle: The horror the horror, pretentious explorers
This one’s the father of all arty snorers
Answer/ Game: The Consecration Of Esthme
Clue 9
Riddle: This virtual river has a full boat conveyed
Two princes that paddle with three little spades
Answer/ Game: Pro Poker Amateur
Clue 10
Riddle: If your strategy is to keep me close, I’ll make you think. If your strategy is to let me go, I’ll make a stink.
Answer: Hold In Your Farts