An Action-Packed Cyberpunk Adventure: Anomaly Agent

Embark on a cyberpunk journey with Anomaly Agent, a side-scrolling action-adventure game with a captivating pixel-art design. Manage Agent 70 and fight against anomalies in numerous levels filled with merging enemies. Enjoy the thrill of a mysterious time-bending story.

We are thrilled to announce that our first game Anomaly Agent is available now!

Fight with Merging Enemies!

In the adventure of Agent 70, an Anomaly Agent affiliated with corporation T-Day, you will encounter a diverse array of enemies. Utilize both stylish close combat techniques and weapons to defeat these foes. Combos, weapons and any means necessary to beat those guys up!

However, be cautious, as these clone enemies can merge and shape-shift, becoming more powerful!

Earn some coins from defeated enemies and your surroundings to make permanent upgrades to Agent 70’s weapons. Enhance the range, damage and extend the clip of your most frequently used weapons. Thus, you may improve the weapon that brings you the most fun during combat.

In the adventure of Agent 70, we aimed to provide you with a fast-paced and diverse action. Get ready to overcome numerous platform traps and enemies surrounding you! Embrace the challenge!

Platforming along the Rooftops

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop in a cyberpunk-themed metropolis. We think that it’s an elegant way of platforming! Anomaly Agent aims to provide a dynamic gameplay experience with not only action-packed combat sequences but variable platform elements. Use Agent 70’s agility and boomerang to overcome those obstacles!

Whether it’s skyscraper rooftops, narrow corridors or the top of a metro, the platform elements in Anomaly Agent will consistently present a sweet challenge, spiced with a bit of puzzle-solving.

Always Ready for a Small Talk

Anomaly Agent weaves an entertaining and mysterious cyberpunk narrative, introducing encounters not only with adversaries but also with numerous characters you can engage in conversations with.

Agent 70 is always ready for a quick chat. Interact with various characters, engage them in interesting and humorous dialogues. Just beware, clones can sometimes crack bad jokes.

Anomaly Agent doesn’t just offer fast-paced action and platforming elements but also injects fun dialogues into the mix. Throughout the game’s story, you’ll meet different characters, clone enemies, and bosses. The choices you make in dialogues can assist you when upgrading Agent 70 permanently.

As the Phew Phew Games team, we are extremely excited to bring this game to you. We hope that while playing this game, crafted with much enjoyment, you can also have a great time and spend entertaining hours!

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