Deceive Inc. Operation Overhaul – Free Weekend Live Now

It’s been a long time coming, agents, but we’re thrilled to introduce Operation Overhaul, a massive update to Deceive Inc. which includes reworks to many of the game’s systems. Streamlining the experience and adding all new ways for you and your friends to pull off the perfect heist!

Additionally, we’ve lined up a free weekend with Deceive Inc. on Xbox. So you can hop in and experience Operation Ovehaul right now!

Here’s what’s new:

Gameflow Change: Vault Printers

Now, the vault area sees more action with the introduction of Vault Printers. Obtain a golden keycard by using intel to start a print at one of the four hidden keycard printers in the vault. Watch out for spies trying to steal your prize!

Combat Overhaul

Experience smoother combat with reworked animations, recoil adjustments, and directional hit indicators. Melee attacks are now more reliable, and aim-punch has been toned down for a better gameplay experience.

Expanded Ping System

Enhanced ping system with contextual icons and a radial menu for more precise communication during matches.

Updated Guards Behavior

Guards now scale their response based on the spy’s heat level, making interactions more dynamic and strategic.

Map Updates

Each map receives updates ranging from small adjustments to significant changes, improving flow and gameplay experience.

Controller Experience Upgrade

Controller aim-assist and input remapping have been improved for a better gaming experience.

First Aid Vials and Dispenser

Heal on the go with first aid vials. Carry up to three, healing for 20 HP each. Find them in maps or purchase them for three intel in staff rooms. (Note: cannot be used during certain states like Chavez’s Invincibility or Larcin’s vanishing).

Private Lobbies Update

Unlock everything for everyone in private lobbies, perfect for experimenting with friends. Bots can also be added to fill out matches.

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