Wizarding Together is Better in Wizard with a Gun – Now Available for Xbox Series X|S

Wizard with a Gun, our sandbox survival adventure game just released on Xbox Series X|S and we’re hoping all you budding gunmancers are excited to jump in! Before you set off on expeditions to vanquish enemies, gather loot, and explore The Shatter, we thought we’d drop a little more detail on the cooperative adventuring for two players online. With the timer counting down, you and your wizard bud will need to make some big decisions because dying means dropping almost everything you have collected. But with twice the power and magic, there are several co-op mechanics to optimize your teamwork.

Combine Powers

Magical bullets are integral to surviving The Shatter. Each one has a unique effect and many can be upgraded for more potency. Having different kinds of bullets between you and your partner will allow for devastating combos. For example, one wizard can sling the freeze spells while the other shatters the chunk of ice with destruction spells, dealing huge damage together. There are many combinations like oil + fire, electricity + water, and several more we’ll leave for you to discover and experiment with. Even some wild combinations with enchanting and healing.

Protect and Heal

Speaking of healing, if you run out of HP, you’ll be knocked down instead of immediately succumbing to death. While knocked down, your partner can help you up, but doing so will leave them vulnerable. Please ensure you are safe before helping anyone else. We don’t need any more dead wizards out there!

Ward Off Evil (When You’re Dead)

If one of you does succumb to the cold embrace of death, you can still lend a ghostly hand. Ghosts can spook enemies into a fearful state, causing them to run away. When the game is in two-player balance, it can get pretty overwhelming for a single wizard. Even a small spook could be the difference between survival or failure.

Rise Again (aka Not Be Dead)

You may find a Resurrection Altar as you wander across The Shatter. We’ve heard that when a living wizard and a ghost stand within the Altar’s circle, the ghost will return to the realm of the living. Take note of any Altars you may see on your travels.

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